Cluster computing for neuroimaging

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Introduction to Slurm jobs

On this page, we will explain what jobs are, what information needs to be provided for the job to run, and how to run jobs from the command line.

What a job is

Simply put, a job is a set of commands for the computer to run. There are three main ways that you can run a job.

  1. Create a job script and submit it to be run;
  2. Request an interactive command line, so you can type commands;
  3. Submit a job request for an interactive graphical interface session.

Your own computer has a set number of cores (processors), as set amount of memory, a set amount of disk space, and you can leave it on as long as you wish. A cluster both enables and requires you to specify how much of each you wish to use – and pay for.

This page will explain the most commonly used options for submitting jobs on ITS ARC clusters. These options should be the same on any Slurm cluster not just on the ones run by ITS ARC.

If you create a job script, then you put the options for the job into it.

If you request an interactive command line session, you specify them with the job request command.

If you use the Open OnDemand interface, then you specify the options using the form entry fields.

We will look at job scripts here, but the same options are available using the other methods.

The Slurm job script is a shell script, and on most Slurm clusters, the shell will be bash. This is indicated by the first line, often called the shebang.


which Slurm requires be there.

For those without experience using shell scripts, the # character signifies a comment. It is most common for comments to start in the first column, but they can also appear after commands. Both of the following lines contain valid comments.

# This is an example of a comment
echo "Welcome to my world"  # Print a welcoming message

Slurm options all begin with the text (string) #SBATCH, and are considered comments by the bash shell. Slurm searches your job script for lines that begin that way and reads the options until it reaches a line that is not either a comment, blank, or an option. We refer to this part of the job script as the preamble.

The rest of the script is then run by bash exactly as it appears.

Organization of a job script

We recommend organizing your job scripts into the following sections.

  1. The shebang line (first line)
  2. The Slurm preamble
  3. Setup commands
  4. Job information commands
  5. Job commands
  6. Job cleanup commands

We have already discussed the shebang and preamble, though we have not shown an example of the preamble yet. We’ll construct a preamble in a later section.

Setup commands are any commands needed for you program to run. These are often commands to set environment variables needed by the software that your job will run.

Much of the useful software on the cluster must be specifically configured before it can be used. Making software available this way enables the cluster to have otherwise incompatible software installed and usable. The most common and convenient way to set up the software you need is by using the module system, Lmod, which provides the module command.

For more detailed information about Lmod and modules, please see Using installed software.

We will show some examples in a later section with common MRI analysis software.

The cluster administrators provide the command my_job_header, which will print to your output useful information about the job. We recommend that you included it in all job scripts, but it is optional and not required.

Job commands are what you would normally type at the command line to run your processing or analysis.

Job cleanup consists of commands that do things like remove temporary data, copy output to the network file server, move files to other locations.

Let us now take a look at the basic Slurm options you are likely to use most often.

Slurm options in the preamble

Here is the complete shebang and preamble for a basic job.

# Slurm preamble

#SBATCH --job-name=id14237689
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=5g

#SBATCH --account=example
#SBATCH --partition=standard

#SBATCH --mail-type=NONE

The order you use is up to you, however we generally recommend pick an order and use it consistently in all your job scripts. That makes modifying and checking them easier if the order is consistent. In general, we recommend that options that may change often appear at the top and options that change infrequently appear at the bottom of the preamble.

All of the Slurm options must appear before any actual commands run by your job. Any options that follow a command will be ignored.

Name and run time

The most common situation for neuroimaging jobs on the cluster is to have a job correspond to some processing step for a subject. That said, most of the options will remain the same if you are preprocessing subjects except the subject identfier. We therefore start with the job name. We specified the job name with --job-name=id14237689. The job name is displayed when you use Slurm commands to inquire about the status of your job, e.g., is it running, in the queue (pending), complete.

$ sq
34108385  standard id142376 grundoon  support  R       0:05      1 gl3060

As you can see, the full name id14237689 is truncated in the output from sq and many other Slurm commands. We generally try to have the first characters be those that distinguish among jobs best.

In the above transcript, we use the $ in the first column to indicate the shell prompt to distinguish it from the output of the command that follows the prompt. So, in the above $ sq is the command and everything else is output.

The next most common change is to the amount of time your job should be able to run before the job manager should stop it. The scheduler needs to know the maximum amount of time so it can schedule other jobs around yours. If you ask for a short time, say, under four hours and certainly under an hour, your job will be easy to schedule; if you ask for a week, it will be harder.

Try to get something that will always let your job finish, even if the system is slow for some reason, but not so long that it is hard to schedule, as that will delay when it starts. You may also want to limit time in case a program you are running misbehaves somehow and stops working but does not actually end.

In this example, --time=1:00:00 is asking for one hour, zero minutes, and zero seconds. You can specify days with, for example, --time=1-2:03:04 which asks for one day, two hours, three minutes, and four seconds.

Job resources

Job resources simply refers to all the attributes about the machinery on which your job will run, which includes number of computers, the number of cores (processors) on each, the amount of memory available, and in some cases information about any desired GPUs.

Tasks versus processes versus threads

When you run a software package, it starts a process. Modern computers typically have more than one processor, on which processes run. Some software can either start additional processes or use threads, which are like a process but not one, to do computation on those other processors.

Most neuroimaging software can only use one physical computer, but some can use more than one processor. Additionally, you will almost always want only one task.

There are basically three Slurm options you can use to ask that your job get what it needs to run: --nodes, --ntasks-per-node, and --cpus-per-task. As noted about, almost always you will want only one node and one task, so to get additional processors, you would do so with --cpus-per-task; so, to request four processors (CPUs), you would use

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

Some software examples


MATLAB uses additional processors in two ways: automatically when it does matrix operations and manually when you use parfor.

You give MATLAB additional processors for use automatically as shown above by increasing the --cpus-per-task.

If your MATLAB program or toolbox uses the MATLAB command parfor, which starts additional MATLAB processes, you need to increase the number of tasks (at least as of March 26, 2022). Each of the additional tasks will get its own processor. This is done by the Slurm job manager, which is configured to assign tasks to specific processors when they are started and keep them there. That configuration is subject to change on ITS ARC clusters, and it may be different at other sites. You should ask about it if you have a toolbox that uses parfor or if you use it yourself.


R itself can only use one processor. However, R has many, many installable libraries (or packages) that can be installed. Some of those compile programs of their own, and when you use them, R passes data and instructions for processing them to those programs, and those may be able to use more than one processor. So, if you know that a library you are using can use multiple processors, you should increase the --cpus-per-task.

Only in rare cases would you ever need to change the number of tasks. If something in your R code refers to MPI, that may want additional tasks. It is best to ask ahead for help figuring out whether that is true and/or needed.


Python also typically only uses one processor, but it, too, has many, many libraries (packages) that can be installed and that may be able to use more than one processor. So, if you know that a library you are using can use multiple processors, you should increase the --cpus-per-task. If your Python program contains an import mpi4py (or any variation thereof), then it may need additional tasks, and you should ask ahead for help figuring out whether that is true and/or needed.


In addition to requesting processors, you need to request memory for them to work with. There are two Slurm options for requesting memory: --mem and --mem-per-cpu. In general, we recommend that you use --mem, which requests the total amount of memory needed on each physical machine by all the processes combined. We recommend you always request in units of a gigabyte; for example,

#SBATCH --mem=5gb

On the ITS ARC clusters, the number of CPUs is related to the amount of memory requested when billing occurs, but they are functionally independent. As of March, 2022, each CPU requested on an ITS ARC cluster includes in its charges 7 GB of memory. Note, though, that does not mean that there is actually 7 GB of memory for every CPU in a machine. You should check the configuration page for the cluster you are using to see the maximum memory requestable. For the ITS ARC clusters, see the Great Lakes cluster page or the Armis2 page, on which there should be a link to that cluster’s configuration and rates.

Why not use memory per CPU?

Regardless which program you use, if it can use more than one CPU, the amount of memory needed by each may not be evenly distributed. We have seen instances where one processor needs a disproportionate amount of memory, and when that one processor goes over the limit, the job is cancelled by the job manager. We have not seen this when memory is allocated as a pool and only the total amount of used memory is monitoried by the job manager.

Cluster partitions

The machines in the clusters are grouped together into what are called partitions based on the attributes of the machines. The largest partition is called standard and contains the largest number of machines and should be used unless you know you have a need for a different machine.

The two most common reasons are you need a machine with a GPU or you need a machine that has extra memory. There are some neuroimaging programs that can use a GPU; notable examples are MRtrix3 and some of the FSL programs (eddy, bedpostx, probtrackx2, xfibres, et al.).

In general, you will save money and find more machines available to run your jobs if you separate the steps that use a GPU from those that do not. That may mean, for example, that you submit three jobs for a DTI analysis rather than one.


The ITS ARC clusters have cost-recovery rates, and someone must pay for usage. In some cases this will be to an account set up by a faculty member or other principal investigator. The colleges of LSA and Engineering both provide accounts for general, unfunded use that their affiliates can use without charge to themselves. The Slurm account, which is associated with the payment source, is specified with the --account option. When you are granted access to use an account, you will be given the account name to use with this option.

NOTE: The account, example, in the example script must be changed before you submit the job or your job will be rejected with an error.

Previous section: Introduction to cluster computing Next section: Slurm job scripts